One-Introduction to the School Counselor
Coloring Sheet
Fire Hat
Graduation Hat
Chef Hat
Baseball Helmet
Winter Hat
How can I be a good listener? What is a school counselor?
Discuss what great listeners do.
Ask the students to explain what a good listener looks like. ( The students will answer –watching
eyes, listening ears, closed mouth, hands and feet are still.) Tell the students they are so smart and tell
them to kiss their brain. Ask for
volunteers. The students will dress in the many hats. Ask the students what the
hats are used for. If there is time, write
them down on the board. Explain that a
counselor’s job is like all of these jobs put together. Point to the child wearing the fire fighter
hat. Ask the students what the hat is
used for. Ask the students if they
believe that counselors really put out real fires – (no-she helps people when
they are having an emergency-maybe someone is very angry or really sad. Sometimes she even helps sad grownups who are
teachers and parents.) Point to the chef
hat and ask the students what type of hat it is. Say that like a chef, the counselor helps
people make recipes to solve their problems- say “Do you think I make real
recipes?”-no I help people develop a plan so they can do better in school or
make new friends or just help their feelings feel better. Point to the baseball helmet. Ask-what type of hat is this? Say “Do you
think I am on a baseball team?” no-but I am like a baseball player because I
have to work as a part of the team. Point
to the winter hat. Ask the students what
the hat is used for. Explain that Counselors
also help create a warm and caring school.
We have celebrations and we try to make students feel comfortable so
they can feel happy in school. Point to
the graduation hat. Ask the students
what type of hat it is. Explain that Counselors
also promote academic success in school.
Ask the students to explain what a school counselor’s job is. Give them the sheet to color and take home.
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